Have you ever wondered that an inseparable tool, a device that plays a pivotal role in your daily life could be the reason behind your delay in building a family…Yes indeed… and guess what! It’s probably the very same device you are using right now; the cellphone!!
Mobile phones are commonly referred to as smart phones. And being smart relays their outstanding capacity of telecommunication at different levels and various media in nearly no time….This is utterly smart.
Wait until you read this, I don’t think you’ll still call it ‘SMART’. Here is the catch, radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted through those devices tend to affect your sperms … in a negative way I mean!! A recent study published in 2015 in the international journal of fertility and sterility has studied the impact of the RF-EMF emitted from cell phones on different spermatic functions and showed how negatively it could affect sperm motility and most importantly the integrity of the sperm DNA (which is pivotal to most spermatic functions). In another study, it showed that sperm motility has tremendously decreased when exposed to around 900 MHz of cellphone for only 5 minutes compared to non-exposed samples (remember: sperm motility is fundamental to induce pregnancy). RF-EMF results in increased release of toxic material into the testis which can eventually harm sperms. Even more, knowing that men tend to place those smart phones inside their pant’s pockets, which are usually so close to the testes; can give you an idea on the real impact of those devices on male fertility potential.
I don’t believe no matter what, that we will ever stop using cellphones. We are simply addicted to them, and such technology has become integral part of our daily lives. Every day we are bombarded with more products and better services that claim to ease our lives. However it is highly advisable to avoid increased exposure to RF-EMF by keeping cellular phones away from the testes, and if possible turning off the talk mode whenever feasible.