This is a test involving the examination of the seminal fluid in regards to its volume (ml/cc) number/concentration of sperms usually read as number in million/ml, motility of the sperms (the sperm speed), morphology (the look of the sperms). Once scheduled for a semen test, be instructed to abstain from ejaculating for three to five consecutive days (not more and not less), shorter periods of abstinence result in lower counts than actually present, and longer periods of abstinence may yield sperms with poor quality. Usually the test is performed in specialized centres that are well prepared and private enough to host such examination. Once ready, you will be handled a sterile collection cup in which you will be asked to ejaculate after masturbation. Make sure you collect all the ejaculated semen and avoid spillage.
Hormonal abnormalities are potentially reversible causes of male sub-fertility and proper evaluation remains important aspect in the management of males presenting to a fertility clinic. This is usually a blood test done preferable between 8-11 am and includes the hormonal components of the pituitary gland that controls the function of the testes (LF-FSH) and the product of the testes that is total testosterone.
Testicular ultrasound is a non-invasive and non-painful test. It is a useful tool to assess male reproductive structures including the testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and prostate gland. However, Doppler Ultrasound is another variant required to evaluate the blood vessels of the testis, including the arteries which are the main source of blood supply, and the veins which are the sources of varicocele. Your physician will request an ultrasound when in doubt of structural abnormalities of the testis, like feeling a lump in your testis, swelling of your scrotum, discrepancy of testicular sizes and signs suggestive of infection. Whenever there is a suspicion of varicocele or defective blood supply a Doppler ultrasound will be requested (also referred to as ‘Duplex scan’) to properly evaluate the blood flow to and from the testis.
A genetic test is a blood test that evaluates the chromosomal structure and number. Male factor infertility can be attributed to genetic diseases, which are disorders caused by abnormalities in the structure or the number of certain chromosomes. Genetic tests are currently available worldwide, and though possibly considered pricey, they have become reputable and recommended in the context of male infertility.
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